Wild and Woolfy is a 1945 animated cartoon short, one of six cartoons in which Droopy was paired with a wolf. It is one of a very few cartoons in the series where Bill Thompson did not voice Droopy in any part of the cartoon.
In this western-themed cartoon, the Wolf once again appears as a criminal, but this time a cowboy. Then, a girl named Lou (as a cowgirl) sings the number (she's from many other pairings with the wolf) before the wolf captures her (as he does normally). The posse chases him throughout the desert, but the wolf is far ahead. Droopy appears a few times, many of the times getting bobbed in the head by the waiter. At the end, Droopy hits the wolf in the head. After the girl kisses him in gratitude, he kidnaps her himself.
- Tex Avery - Droopy, Horse, Wolf (yelling)
- Sara Berner - Red
- Frank Graham - Race Caller
- Patrick McGeehan - Wolf, Cowboy
- Ann Pickard - Red (singing voice)
- Wild and Woolfy is basically a color remake of the 1935 Oswald the Lucky Rabbit cartoon Towne Hall Follies, also directed by Avery (albeit just credited in the other cartoon as a "lead animator") and it featured an identical storyline, despite being set in a different historical context.
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